CYC Academic Program
The main purpose of the CYC Academic Program is to develop committed followers of Jesus Christ. Some of our related purposes are:
1. To inspire students to know more about God
2. To give students skills to learn more and to grow in their faith
3. To build a Christian community
4. To equip students to live out their faith
Exciting classes, high-quality teachers who love youth, and a curriculum centered on Christ make the Academic Program at CYC an enriching experience. Students choose from a wide variety of options to fulfill the graduation requirements and enjoy this adventure in learning. Each student takes two courses per year.
Graduation Requirements
Over the three years, each student must complete an introduction to the Christian faith course called “Starting Point” and one course from each of our three categories:
1. Knowing the Bible (Old and New Testament)
2. Spiritual Growth
3. Living Out the Faith, including Leadership
We pray that students return to their communities with increased Biblical literacy and new leadership skills.